Two Confessions

The First Confession

August 15, 2018, at 4:37pm Chris confesses to his father.

Chris has been interviewed all day by FBI agent Graham Coder and CBI agent Tammy Lee. After being told he failed the polygraph test and says, “I’ll tell the truth after I talk to my dad" and he confesses to his father that he killed Shanann, but only after she killed the girls first.

The SECOND Confession

On February 18, 2018, CBI Agent Tammy Lee, FBI Special Agent Grahm Goder and Frederick Police Department Detective, Dave Baumhover arrive in Wisconsin with the purpose of interviewing Chris. Although it was reported and he was convicted of killing the girls, prior to this interview, he had only confessed to killing Shanann after she killed the girls. During the interview Chris provides additional details and for the first time, confessed to killing the girls as well as Shanann.


Two Well-Being Checks


The Occult