
Shanann was an avid supporter of the controversial program Babywise and she would post regularly on Facebook about how great the program worked.

Babywise: A Guide to Infant Sleep

Babywise is a popular book and parenting method that emphasizes a structured daily routine for infants, including scheduled feedings and naps. The method is controversial, with some experts arguing that it can lead to inadequate nutrition and poor sleep habits. However, many parents swear by the method and credit it with helping their babies sleep through the night.

The Book

Babywise was first published in 1993 and has since sold millions of copies worldwide. The book was written by pediatrician Robert Bucknam and parent educator Gary Ezzo.

The Method

The Babywise method involves establishing a consistent daily routine for infants, including scheduled feedings and naps. The goal is to help babies develop healthy sleep habits and reduce nighttime awakenings.

The Controversy

Some experts have criticized the Babywise method, arguing that it can lead to inadequate nutrition and poor sleep habits. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) warned against the book, stating that its advice could result in infant development problems such as dehydration, poor weight gain, slow growth, delayed development and failure to thrive, as well as lack of milk supply in the new mother and involuntary weaning of the infant.

December 17, 2013

Shanann posts on Facebook, "She's doing amazing on her feeding schedule #Babywise."

February 13, 2014

Shanann posts on Facebook, "Doing Babywise with my 8 week old..."

June 3, 2014

Shanann posts on Facebook, "She knows her naptime like clockwork"

November 2, 2014

Shanann posts on Facebook, "Why I love Babywise, time change & 13 hour sleep"

July 31, 2015

Shanann posts on Facebook, "People are negative about Bella on Babywise..."

July 16, 2016

Shanann posts on Facebook, "Bella's nap is 12:30-4, Celeste's 12:30-3..."

July 29, 2016

Shanann posts on Facebook, "What a 3-hour nap does to you."

August 1, 2016

Shanann posts on Facebook, "#What3HourNapDoesToYou"

August 25, 2016

Shanann posts on Facebook, "Put the girls to bed & left the monitor with Nonna..."

September 2, 2016

Shanann posts on Facebook, "Is it nap time yet..."

November 12, 2016

Shanann posts on Facebook, "She's so cute sleeping..."

May 2, 2017

Shanann posts on Facebook, "This is what Celeste looks like after a 4 hour nap"

May 22, 2017

Shanann posts on Facebook, "6:26 and both kids are in bed..."

June 10, 2017

Shanann posts on Facebook, "Bella going to sleep, Thriving mama wins at 9:30am..."

August 14, 2017

Shanann posts on Facebook, "I let them sleep till 7:30am..."

October 1, 2017

Shanann posts on Facebook, "Kids in bed by 6pm #Winning"

October 24, 2017

Shanann posts on Facebook, β€œKids in bed by 6:30pm - 'Baby Wise"

May 11, 2018

Shanann posts on Facebook, "She got up from her 3-hour nap & did story time with snack."

June 2, 2018

Shanann posts on Facebook, "Kids out cold since 12:30…it's almost 3pm"



